5 Placester Website Examples | 2024
Below are some Placester website examples. Be sure to check out my Placester reviews as well.
Placester has a basic website, a broker website, and then upsells premium themes for an additional $50/mo. Their basic websites are clean and serviceable, but the premium themes may very well be worth it. They are quite elegant and modern.
Below are a handful of agents I’ve identified myself as using Placester for their website. Be sure to check that these agents are still using Placester. Agents change websites more often than they change clothes, and it is possible they have switched to a new website provider since this writing. With Placester, there is a “Powered by Placester” language in the footer.

$79+/mo. Placester is an affordable website option that can provide your own site and a professional online presence. They have a varied selection of sites and options and can be a great fit for an agent looking for a simple start to their web presence.
Icon Real Estate Co

5 Points Realty

Vero Beach Luxe

Jack Conway

Joe Dettor
I Love It!
Do you like these Placester examples? Learn more at the Placester website and get started for just $99/mo and a $99 setup fee.

Meh, Show Me Something Else
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